Display window graphics for an adult education school: Lester B. Pearson

Display window graphics for an adult education school: Lester B. Pearson


Lester B. Pearson School


Publicity, Display


Adult education center


Printed vinyl, Frosted vinyl

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Lester B. Pearson is leveraging the glass windows of their kitchen at the cafeteria to provide a visually appealing showcase of the diverse profession sector departments within their center. By strategically applying printed vinyl and frosted vinyl on these windows, they are creating an eye-catching display that effectively communicates the center’s varied career opportunities. This innovative use of advertising materials allows them to highlight specific industries and job roles, attracting the attention of both visitors and potential candidates.

The printed vinyl features vibrant graphics and images related to different professions, while frosted vinyl adds a touch of elegance and privacy to the display. Through this method, Lester B. Pearson can effectively promote their professional sectors without sacrificing natural light or obstructing views from inside or outside the facility. The result is a seamless integration of informative advertising with practical functionality, enhancing the overall appeal of the cafeteria space while also conveying important information about career options.

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